We Accept:
- As divinely inspired for spiritual leadership, teaching, and exhortation, all the texts from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.
- As valuable the help of extra cultural and historical texts from Jewish and early Christian literature that aid in our understanding of the Biblical narrative’s context.
- In the creation of the universe, as written in the biblical texts.
- In the creation of man and woman on the sixth day, fashioned as uniquely different and equally valuable in His sight.
- That within the Creation story is revealed HaShem’s divine plan and institution of marriage as the lifelong, covenantal union of one physically born biological man and one physically born biological woman for the procreation and good of mankind and as a picture of the relationship between HaShem and Israel.
- That HaShem chose the Jewish people to declare His name to the world and to be the cradle of the universal Messiah.
- That this declaration of HaShem's name is done through the teaching of the Torah given to Israel at Mount Horeb by the mouth of HaShem through the hand of Moses, and by a life lived according to its precepts.
- That Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, is the earthly manifestation of previous spiritual messianic manifestations in Israel; He who was announced first by Moses in Deuteronomy 18:18-19, and subsequently proclaimed by many prophets, such as King David.
- That according to the prophets of the Bible, the Messiah of Israel was manifested on earth as Yeshua from Nazareth;
- That He lived among men;
- That He was executed as a criminal;
- That He was resurrected;
- And that His resurrection was witnessed by more than 500 people in His days.
- That HaShem made the same Yeshua the Messiah manifest to the world in order to teach all mankind (the Jews first) to repent in view of the soon arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.
- That He was;
- That He is;
- And will be Him to whom HaShem gives ownership, authority, and judgement over everything.
- Judaism and the Torah, according to the teachings of Rabbi Yeshua (Jesus from Nazareth) and as He taught His Jewish disciples.
- A Torah deeply rooted in the core beliefs of classic Judaism and Midrashic tradition (the oldest form of biblical interpretation), much according to the teachings of Hillel.
- That “The practice of Judaism is the realization that Yeshua is the long-awaited promised Messiah of the Jewish nation who will in time establish the Kingdom of God on earth” (Boaz Michael, founder and director of First Fruit of Zion).
- That Torah observance according to the teachings of Moses, the prophets, Yeshua, and of his emissaries is the full expression of Messianic Judaism.
- That the essential teachings and practices of Yeshua and of his emissaries do not contradict the core teachings of classic Judaism, but rather enliven, enhance, and fulfill the teachings of the ancient sages of Israel.
- The inclusion of non-descendants of Israel in the covenant of Israel through the “grafted-in” process, as proclaimed by many prophets and illustrated by Paul of Tarsus.
- The return of Messiah and the resurrection of the dead.
- The full resurrection of the State of Israel with Jerusalem in complete Jewish control as the central religious and political nerve of the world, with Yeshua as its King.
- As a contemporary but necessary caveat to the statement above, we also await the hope of redemption and inclusion of the present-day enemies of Israel, as per Yeshua’s command according to the Torah, “Pray for your enemies and those who persecute you.”