YAD DecorumYedidei Adonai means “HaShem’s covenanted friends”. Friendship is based on a mutual agreement to get along and walk together and support one another (Amos 3:3). We believe that the true measure of our love for HaShem and our discipleship to Yeshua is in our ability to do just that: get along so we can work together for the benefit of the Kingdom (Kingdom = people).
As such, all are welcome to our fellowship, but we trust that as you may hold to particular traditions, views, expressions of faith, or doctrines in your personal home life, you will respect the particular traditions, views, expressions of faith, or doctrines of Yedidei Adonai while fellowshipping with us. As such, within the framework of our congregational fellowship: |
We use circumlocutions such as Abba, Avinu, Father, HaShem, Adonai, Yah, or LORD when praying to or referring to the Father.
We hold to Paul’s advice that all prophecies should first be checked by the elders before being proposed to the body (1 Corinthians 14:29)
We are sober-minded. The sensible, moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages during YAD events is permitted.
Men should wear a head covering when called to read from the Torah.
All foreign tongues used in service are translated (1 Corinthians 14:5). We also keep what is referred to as glossolalia (Pentecostal “tongues”) for private practice.
We live, dress, and act according to our biologically God-assigned gender at birth.
We are kind and patient with all in accordance with Galatians 5:22-23.
We keep conversations and discussions civil and polite, avoiding polemical and controversial topics concerning worldly politics, theology, conspiracy theories, and personal Torah applications. These are for private discussions.
We dress and behave modestly.
We contribute only biblically clean food to any congregational meal event.