But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession…
Whereas evolution wants to tell us that life started sporadically anywhere and at anytime, Hashem tells us that He is the author of life. He also tells us that He is the One who started life in one place, at one time, and that the earth populated from the one man: Adam (Genesis 1). In fact, we are all related to Adam through either sons of Noah; through Japhet who fathered the Caucasian race; Ham from whom came the black race, or from Shem from whom come all the Asian races including our father Abraham (Genesis 10).
As it is in physical, so it is in the spiritual. Whereas New Age teachings try to teach us that all the gods worshipped on earth are local and cultural representations of the God above and should be respected as such, God teaches us that faith solely comes from the God of Israel, and that all the others are idols designed to snare the heart of man away from the One True God who created the Heavens and the earth.
In fact, according to the text, the goal is that, as the tribe of Levi was established as the priesthood for Israel, Israel is eventually to be established as the priesthood for the whole world. God has even divided the world according to the numbers of the children of Israel (Deuteronomy 32:8). Jewish sages claim that number to be seventy, why?
When the children of Israel entered Egypt, they were seventy Genesis (46:27). Also in Genesis 10, we read the list of the seventy sons (and grandsons) of Noah. This may be arguable, but the facts remain that as creation comes from one man, faith also comes from the one man Abraham solely through whom all the families of the earth are blessed (Genesis 12:3).
This gives a whole new theme to the idea of being in Messiah. In the days of Yeshua there were only two types of people on earth: those who knew the God heaven and those who didn’t. The Children of Israel already knew God; they had been introduced to Him at Mt Horeb long before Yeshua’s manifestation on earth, while the rest of the world remained in the darkness of ignorance and idolatry. As Moses received the mission to Israel, Yeshua initiated the mission to the gentiles, which Paul successfully conducted.
This all should give a new sense of mission to the idea of being grafted into the olive tree of Israel as Paul puts it (Romans 11). Before Yeshua, only people from Israel who knew God could exercise spiritual leadership within the congregation, but when one is grafted into Israel through Messiah he, along with Israel, becomes a recipient of the promise made to Moses to be part of a nation of priests (Exodus 19:6). In fact, anyone who through Messiah becomes grafted into Israel also becomes a part of God’s peculiar nation, what He called: His portion (Deuteronomy 9-10).
May we be found worthy of the great calling whereas he has called us!