Yeshua answered them,
"Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again."
As Jacob gets ready to be 'gathered with his people', he charges his sons. The Hebrew word translated as 'charged' is actually the Hebrew word 'tsivah', a conjugated inflection of the verb 'to command'. Jacob/Israel gives his children a command to not bury him in Egypt. This passage is usually read in concert with 1 Kings 2:1-12 where at the point of death, King David also charges, or 'commands' his son Solomon with unfinished business.
As Jacob/Israel asked to not be buried in Egypt, he gave a subtle message to his children. He was saying, "The famine has been over for twelve years; what are we doing here? This is not our country, neither the place Hashem gave us. Don't bury me here!" At the point of death Joseph also alluded to the Children of Israel's exodus from Egypt, which will constitute the laying of the first stone in the creation of the Nation of Israel as an individual entity, a nation with the destiny of not only introducing God to the whole world, but to act as a nation of priests and firstfruits.
In the same manner, one of the charges of David to his son Solomon was to build the Temple of Israel, (1 King 5:5), a temple that will be called, 'a house of prayer for all nations' as Yeshua reminded the people of His days while quoting the prophet Isaiah (Mark 11:17; Isaiah 56:7).
The main mission of Mashiach is to reunite all the tribes as one nation in their own Land (Acts 1: 6), a mission which He actually started 2,000 years ago. Let's say that there have been some setbacks to the program as for the last two millennia the world has tried to annihilate Messiah's people through either violent ethnic cleansing or assimilation. It seems though that much progress has been made towards that goal since the 20th century.
Another one of the Father's 'charges' to Messiah is to build the third Temple, the one described in the Book of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 40-48). Only the Jewish people have the knowledge and understanding of the ritual concerns about the Temple. There is an organization in Israel in charge of the building of the third Temple. Many things are already in place and the seven-branch candelabrum designed for it is already available for public display.
May we pray for the time when all of Israel is united and the House of prayer for all people is rebuilt.
May it be soon Abba; even in our days!