“Do this in remembrance of me."
Before being worthy of eating the Passover Lamb, the Children of Israel were to clean their houses from leaven. Leaven represents sin. Before celebrating the special meal which would initiate the signal to leave Egypt behind and follow God for a new life in a new country, people needed to clean themselves from the sin of Egypt. Have you ever tried to remove all forms of leavens from your house after a year of cooking and baking? It is hard work to go through all the cracks and crannies of your house, and even after you are done, can you say for sure that you did not forget one single grain? No. That is why traditionally we pray: “Any leaven … that is in my possession … which I have not seen … should be annulled … (Siddur). Yeshua annuls that which we cannot remove!
The disciples of the Master followed that tradition and the room where they celebrated their early memorial Seder was leaven-free. Even Judas was gone for most of the meal. He was gone to do his dirty work while Yeshua washed the disciples clean. Now they would all be very clean for celebrating the Passover on the very next day, eating the Passover Lamb itself, while the Master had just been crucified.
Some may think that because in Yeshua our sins are forgiven, we do not need to seek for leaven anymore. Nothing could be further from the truth. That would be like saying that because I discovered this new powerful cleaning agent, I don’t need to do the hard work of finding dirt and cleaning it. Part of the job of ‘cleaning’ our soul is finding the ‘dirt’ and being ashamed of ourselves. It doesn’t happen without our conscious participation. It is not like an operation under full anesthesia where the surgeon removes the cancer while we are asleep!
After eating the memorial Passover meal with the disciples the Master shared the Afikomen saying, "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." He then lifted the third cup of the Passover Seder and said, "This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood” (Luke 22:19-20). The Exodus from Egypt was now associated with a Messianic Exodus from this world of sin.
Remembering Him each time we drink this memorial Exodus cup prepares us and our children for another meal following another Exodus: the meal that we will all eat with Him after He has come as the final universal ‘Leaven Remover’ (Revelations 19:9). First leaven will be removed from His assembly; at that time, judgment starts with the house of God (1 Peter 4:17; Daniel 12:10; Matthew 24:15-22), then the world gets purified.
As we are benefiting from Hs daily cleansing, may we walk worthy of our calling that we may be a good show-case to the world of the greatest cleaning agent on the planet, the only one who has been given the power to truly remove all leaven from our souls.