For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the righteousness of faith.
Much is revealed about Hashem’s plan for His people in the Book of Deuteronomy. Whereas He says that the prosperous success of our sojourn in the Land of Promise is contingent to our obedience to the Torah, we do not inherit it because of our personal righteousness (Deuteronomy 7:12; 9:4-6). It is partly because the wickedness of the Canaanites was much worse than that of Israel as well as because of the promises made to our fathers. Hashem always keeps His promises.
Whereas the idea of proper retribution for good and evil is biblical, it is a mistake to assume that the success of our endeavors is always a divine personal endorsement or that the lack of it is the sign of a curse because of sin. The Book of Job is the testament to the opposite. This notion particularly leads to error when we apply it to our standing with Hashem.
The apostle Paul reiterates this concept in his diatribe about the role of Torah in our lives. When he says, For by works of the law (Torah) no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law (Torah) comes knowledge of sin (Romans 3: 20). Paul is not teaching us about a new way God has initiated with his people since the manifestation of Yeshua’s work on earth, but he is teaching us the actual concept of Torah as was taught by Moses in Deuteronomy.
I find ludicrous the teaching that because of their sins and so-called rejecting Messiah, God has rejected and replaced the Jewish people with a nation taken from the gentiles. That would be a God who does not keep His promises. If our standing with the Father is a question of personal righteousness, it seems to me that the gentiles deserve to be rejected as much as they would be. Israel as a political entity may have rejected Messiah, but the church throughout time has rejected the Torah that Yeshua taught saying, If you love me you will keep My commandments (John 14:15). Historical records, including those found in the Bible, tell us that the Jewish people actually received Yeshua gladly, that Jerusalem was filled with the apostles' doctrine, so much that the leaders were scared to touch the disciples. The disciples were all Jewish along with the new believers from Acts 2 who were Diaspora Jews coming to Jerusalem for Pentecost. These are the very people, and Jews at that, who brought the Gospel to the area around the Mediterranean Sea, who led the first congregations of believers and taught those so-called Church Fathers who for the most part later rejected their Torah teachings.
I thank Hashem that He is a covenant-keeping God. Proof? As He said He would, He has returned the Jewish people to their land and no matter what people may try in their efforts to undo it, Hashem keeps His Promises that after a long exile in the nations He returns to the Promised Land.
Those world politicians who try to defeat this purpose better watch out; they may be poking in the apple of God’s eye!