And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, "The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob";
I can never wonder enough at the majestic heavenly foresight in the Word of Torah. We have seen so many times how the deeds of the fathers were portent to the children. This part of Jacob’s life is nothing but a direct prophecy; something that relates to us today; it shows us God’s plan and destiny for the world.
Deceitful Babylonish Laban owned everything. He ran his big business sleazily without any scruples or apologies. Kill, steal, lie, cheat, everything is allowed to ‘make a buck’. He sales his own daughters and consciously tries to manipulate God’s blessing in Jacob to his own advantage. On the other hand, for twenty-one years Jacob showed purity of spirit which owed him God’s blessing. Time and again he turned the proverbial ‘other cheek’ as he allowed himself be used and abused. Finally, like the gambler enthralled by the euphoria of several wins, Laban gets so arrogant and sure of himself that he loses everything with one throw of the dice in a last attempt at treachery.
Jacob arrived in Babylon with nothing, but returned from this exile with the children that would later become the foundational families of the Kingdom of God. The sinner's wealth is truly laid up for the righteous (Proverbs 13:22). This same story was to be repeated a few hundred years later when Jacob’s children this time would live their Egyptian exile with spoils. Is this an indication of future events?
Our Master Yeshua said no less. He said that if we, those who belong to Him while in this Babylonish Laban-like adulterous and perverse generation, live by the virtue of the Word of Torah instead of by instinct vengeance and greed, we would inherit the Land. Just like in Egypt, the nations would bring us their glory (Matthew 5:3-10; Isaiah 61:6).
The book where we find Jacob’s biography is called in Hebrew: ‘Bereshit’, meaning: ‘In the Beginning’. We know that, What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). In the story of Messianic patriarch Jacob, we see the redemption program of Messiah for Israel and the world.
Like Jacob, Messiah is exiled in the nations due to the wrath of His ‘brother’. Like Jacob, Messiah takes a wife from among His exiled relatives. Like Jacob then, with the spoil of the nations (Jacob had Laban’s sheep; Messiah has the people of the nations), Messiah eventually returns Home to re-establish and populate the Land.
Can you see the plan? Who do you work with today? Righteous Jacob, who was later renamed: Israel? Or wicked Laban who represents the wicked babylonish systems of this day? The choice is yours. Your future depends on it!